Semester: 5 / Winter
Lectures/Classes: 15 / 30 hours
Field of study: Food Technology and Human Nutrition
Study cycle: 1st cycle
Type of course: optional
Prerequisites: Economics, mathematics, statistics, technology, generals of food industry
Contact person: dr Tomasz Berbeka
Short description: The student learns the importance of agri-food sector in the national economy of country. Completion of the course allows to combine technological issues in the field of processing of agricultural raw materials with elements of the assessment of economic production. This course allows to make the assessment of investment projects in the economic condition of companies of agri-food sector.
Full description: Polish agri-food sector in comparison with other EU countries. Raw material base and economy of raw materials in the food industry. Market of food products. Companies of food sector. Fixed assets and rotating assets. Production capacity. Employment. Productivity and wages. Cost Accounting. Investments in the domestic food sector. Classifications of costs. Methods of costs calculation. Analysis of fluctuations in the supply of agricultural raw materials. Analysis of management of fixed assets and financial businesses. Basics of accounting in firms. Analysis of the balance sheet and income statement. Business plan. EU Structural Funds. Restructuring and modernization of the agri-food sector in Poland.
Bibliography: 1.Bień J.: Zarządzanie finansami przedsiębiorstwa. PWN W-wa, 1996; 2.Duraj J.: Podstawy ekonomiki przedsiębiorstwa. PWE 2000; 3.Griffin R. W.: Podstawy zarządzania organizacjami. PWN, W-wa, 2004; 4. Romanowska M.: Zarządzanie strategiczne, PWE, Warszawa 2003; 5. Sawicki K.: Podstawy rachunkowości. PWE, Warszawa 1996; 6.Skowronek Cz.: Logistyka w przedsiębiorstwie. PWE Warszawa 1995; 7.Restrukturyzacja i modernizacja sektora rolno-żywnościowego w Polsce.MR,Warszawa 2010;
Learning outcomes: Knowledge The student has a basic understanding of the economic, legal and social situation in the functioning of the food industry in economic and environmental conditions. Knows the rules of the organization, management and marketing of the food industry Skills: The student is able to analyze and interpret economic and social phenomena of enterprises, food markets, define marketing problems of enterprises in the global, national and regional level Can apply the principles of planning and documents of business processes and make its preliminary economic analysis Social competence (attitudes): Shows active attitude in solving problems related to the implementation of various tasks in the food industry and nutrition Is able to think and act in an entrepreneurial way in the agri – food sector
Assessment methods and assessment criteria: Grade obtained at classes 50% + grade obtained at lectures 50%

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